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How to Make a Facebook Page for Your Business

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You can make your Facebook page more successful by following these steps. To begin with, make sure you fill out as much information as possible about your business. For your users and Facebook, the more detail you provide, the better. Profile pictures and cover photos are important visual elements of a Facebook business page, so make sure to add more than a logo to them. Video can be added to your cover photo.

Optimize your profile picture and cover photo for different dimensions

Make sure your profile and cover photos are optimized for different dimensions when creating a Facebook business page. The profile picture's cover photo sits at the top. It's important to ensure your profile image doesn't hide any important information. Hover over the bottom-right corner of the cover photo and choose "edit profile" to change it.

You can choose to have your profile photo and cover image in different sizes when building a Facebook company page. Mobile users' covers photos should measure 820 pixels in width by 315 inches tall. Desktop users' photos should measure 820 pixels across and 640x360 pixels respectively. Facebook will reduce any images smaller than that and it could cause blurred photos. Make sure you choose the right image size, and save it as an PNG file.

Add a call-to-action button

A call-to–action button can be added to your Facebook business page to encourage visitors to take crucial actions like purchasing tickets or downloading apps. Call-to-action buttons are available for free on Facebook, and can be added by Page admins, editors, and moderators. You can track how many people click the button and it is a great way of getting people to take actions.

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It depends on the type and placement of your CTA buttons, it can be tedious to adjust the button's position on your Facebook business page. Before you put the button on your business profile, it is recommended that you test it. You can choose from many options depending on which action you wish to entice visitors.

Make your brand story compelling

If you want your Facebook business page to be successful, you need to tell a captivating brand story. A brand story is a brief description about your company's mission, vision and values. It should also show your audience why they should care about what you're selling. Six key elements are essential to a compelling brand story. Below are some tips for creating an interesting story:

A great brand story connects the company's products, services, or experiences. It makes a connection with the people who are looking for it. It connects the brand promise to the aspirations and dreams of the audience. To generate high engagement and build a loyal following, a compelling story about your brand is key. This guide walks you through each step of creating a compelling brand story.

Select a business category

Facebook will only allow you to add three categories. It is best if you select a narrower category. Facebook will rank your page higher if it has three categories. You can add as many of them as you wish. The categories are listed in drop-downs. Fill in the details about you business. You may need to include a phone number and/or address depending on the nature of your business.

First, select a business category. Pages can be created for local companies, brands and artists. You can also add a page for entertainment. You should pick a category that's related to your product or service. This is especially important for small businesses. You can also add a page for a nonprofit organization, if that's the case.

Upload a cover photo

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Upload a cover video to make your website stand out. Cover videos are a great way to advertise your product or service and can be as long as 90 seconds. Keep your video short and to the point. You can include a CTA, such as a coupon code, trial offer, or link to your website. They can also be set to automatically replay in loop or play like a GIF.

Before uploading a cover video, you need to make sure your video meets the Facebook requirements. Video must be at least 1080px in resolution and no larger than that. Stock video can be purchased online for purchase and uploaded to your business website. You should make sure that your cover video speaks to your target audience. An expert videographer can help you create a cover film if you're not confident in creating one.

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Is content marketing effective?

Yes! Hubspot states that Content Marketing is now the number one digital marketing channel for lead generation.

Why do I need to have a Content Marketing Strategy. Why send emails and post updates on social media?

Two reasons to ignore Content Marketing Strategy are:

  1. You may think that social media posts or email marketing is enough to get people talking.
  2. This type of content might not be practical if you haven’t yet tried social media posting or email marketing.

Both of these assumptions are false.

Email marketing, as well as social media posts, can be excellent ways to communicate with prospects or customers. But they don't suffice by themselves.

You can't rely on an email campaign to reach your goals. Instead, it needs to be part of a larger strategy. It won't be enough to just post on social media. They must be part of a comprehensive plan.

This is where a Content Marketing Strategy can help. This strategy will help you manage the content creation process.

You'll have more time to concentrate on other important aspects of running your company, such as growing your audience and increasing conversions.

And even though there are many benefits to having a Content Marketing Strategy, it doesn't mean it's easy.

However, a strategy is a key to success.

Is it easy to measure content marketing?

Yes! It's part of the process. It allows you to assess whether your efforts have been successful and if there are any changes you should make.

You can track visitors coming from many sources (email, social media and paid advertising) and track conversions like sales leads, purchases, and organic searches.

These metrics can tell you which pieces of content performed well and where your most significant opportunities lie.


  • According to our research, 65% of companies with very successful content marketing in 2021 ran content audits at least twice a year. (semrush.com)
  • According to our research, brand awareness, attracting traffic, and generating leads remain the key content marketing goals in 2022. (semrush.com)
  • In fact, would pay more for a better customer experience, and 86% of B2B buyers would pay more. (neilpatel.com)
  • To further show the importance of this, 89% of people have stopped doing business with a company because of a poor experience. (neilpatel.com)
  • Companies that use content marketing see approximately 30% higher growth rates than businesses not using it. (mailchimp.com)
  • We found that 40% of businesses don't have a documented strategy yet. (semrush.com)
  • Out of the 1,500 marketers we surveyed for our State of Content Marketing report, 78% who felt their content marketing strategy was exceptionally effective in 2021 had documented their strategy. (semrush.com)
  • According to the Content Marketing Institute, 70% of B2B marketers and 86% of B2C marketers surveyed use content marketing in some form or other. (criteo.com)

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How To

Why should you create a Content Marketing Plan? Why Not Now?

At first, content marketing may seem overwhelming. The truth is that you don't need all of the tasks at once. Start small.

Begin with one thing at a time. If you try to do too much at once, you risk spreading yourself thin and not making progress. Instead, concentrate on one thing at time until mastery.

Start small. Do not worry about perfectionizing every aspect of your content-marketing plan. Concentrate on one aspect of content marketing at the time. You'll find yourself more comfortable and will naturally increase your efforts.

Don't forget to build on your past successes. You can build on your previous successes by leveraging your existing network. Reach out to industry influencers and ask them if they would be willing to promote you content. Create an event and invite bloggers.

It doesn't matter if you haven't created content before. Begin with something simple. Start with something simple. Whatever you choose, make sure you can measure its effectiveness.



How to Make a Facebook Page for Your Business